Friday, August 31, 2012

Bone marrow shmone marrow

Hey guys!!! Just leaving my bone marrow biopsy. Sooo much support from my two angel friends and my dad that went with me. I was so nervous and scared. My friend with leukemia was with me (she's literally an angel) and said it wasn't bad as she just had one. AND it wasn't bad :). So, don't let Gray's anatomy or house scare you. If I can do it, you can do it....FIGHT! Xoxo

Thursday, August 30, 2012

CYA Hodgkins lymphoma

Last Friday I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. I cried and laughed when my doctor told me. I thought it was impossible. I feel fine!!! I am 24 and in the best shape of my life...and did I mention I was going to use all my vaca days at work to go to Q-School????? 
Q-School will always be there, so getting back to health is key. 

 My plan is to heal myself by two things I can control: my mind and my diet. What I cannot control is medical treatment, but with my all-star attitude and clean eating I am revved up and ready to go!

Bring it on, cancer. 

Step 1: Bone Marrow test in the morning.

Who's your Cancer Caddie?!

cad·die/ˈkadē/ Noun: A person who carries a golfer's clubs and provides other assistance during a match.

can·cer cad·die/ˈkansərˈkadē/ 

Noun: Gina Marie. One that provides assistance during your match with cancer, while she fights with you and documents all the positive actions to beat this disease.