Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hair is overrated!

I love long, BIG hair...and I have long, big hair. In a few weeks it will be gone! Ah!! There's something about women and hair...scary thought that my ponytail down my back will no longer be hitting me in the face when I golf. This is the least of my worries when I fighting stupid cancer!!!

My best friend Whitney cut off 14 inches for locks of love and another friend, Ryan, shaved his head after my diagnosis. Next week, I am cutting my hair short and donating it. Hair is overrated! But ladies with cancer, I feel for ya! In the meantime, let's rock some awesome wigs and scarves ;)


  1. You have great friends...which says much about you.

  2. This is awesome! Love love love the support system around you!

  3. Thank you!!!! I am truly blessed :). xo
